Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Relief after 3rd Year final Sem

Just wondered how it got finished starting from the first day of the university to the last exam or viva  of the third year. Time is very short and everything runs within few blinks of eye.Just few years back we were among the bunch of freshers getting the new generation air entering into this cool environment learning a lot of things and also to forget lots of things. Alas we are the Seniors of the university.
The last sem was really ridiculous consisting of almost a ton of marks, including the rituals similar to some entrance exam having 3 steps of utmost struggle; viz. the exams, project submission and the viva voce, taking three nights without sleep, giving you enough harassment to have a sigh of relif after all gets over.
So I am now in a relief though the Vocational Training ahead are to bother a little........

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