Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Clips from edge 2k11...........The Tech fest of techno India

We -Tuhin, Atanu, Anant, Pranamesh and myself participated in Edge , the annual tech fest of Techn India...
I participated in 2 main events: Mechanics and Nfs. The event Mechanics was quite interesting; they gave a junk - specially some bamboo sticks, threads, gum, ply tubes, etc and we had to design a bow, an arrow as well as the target which considerd of a circular plane object made to rotate with the help of a pulley..
it considered of apreliminary round in which some questions regarding Physics and mechanics were given. We cleared the prelims as the 2nd highest scorer. In the second round we performed our physical task.

We did it efficiently and won the Second prize. we were more exiting as we have defeated the ones by whom we were being defeated in Jadavpur , last month in same event.

Yes........... we won

The Robotics Event

Chetan Bhagat Gave a brilliant Speech
I even qualified for the final round among outside candidates of Nfs but was unlucky rather due to their home advantage that i couldnt made it to the top.....

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