Friday, July 29, 2011

Best Summer of My Life

Hey! this one is for those special friends whom I would regret for my entire life if ever forget them.........
This summer was rocking and different from past.........I met many old friends, definitely my old school friends, njoyed the whole vacation with them........Afterall friends are friends, you cant forget them, I would like to preserve some of the moments.... ...... ... .. .

At Nachan Dam with Nirban and Sudipta

Nature.........U cant imagine its beauty

At Durgapur Barrage........It was the perfect weather

Nirban on fire

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Semesters:the nighmares of Engineering

How would you feel about thinking of scoring a pass mark a week before your final exams, when you are indulged in tremendous hardworking labour managing time between Facebook, gtalk, Ipl, and many more interesting subjects, which would hardly bear any marks rather than the high sounding words of  like Structural Analysis, Environmental Engineering, Soil Mechanics and many more to ring your ears more louder than the Eden crowd of an Ind-Pak cricket match.
 You must be thinking of jumping off your windows though you cant do that. The situation is similar to a well renowned and Internationally acclaimed system of judging yourself in Engineering or Medicals of course; its called "SEMESTER".You cant think about the importance it bears in a life of a student like me & my friends. The more important one is the one who plays the role of a professor.The lecture are a series of letters, words ,numbers, and equations carrying some sophisticated symbols like beta, gamma, si, chi and many more to chew your brain. Those who copies them regularly are more dangerous persons and thinking of them would often give you a nightmare, though they are friends at least before the sem's for having convert those lectures from there physical forms to digital giving them a new dimension; well its my most important job before the sem's concerned. But utilizing them is another part . Its more difficult , approximately hundred times. and putting down them on paper in correct order is rather more difficult roughly a thousand times, though we are expert in filling up the paper up to the brim and providing some weights so as to please the examiner at least from the writing skills.
 The days just before the exams have the most crucial role to play giving you a nightmare though hardly you get any time to sleep, though providing regular status updates to everyone and anyways at all gets over within a few days .So we dont bother much about it as there are lots of important things to do.
You wouldn't die but be prepared to a thrilling and enthusiastic couple of hours not less than three of course an IPL innings, struggling with your skills of time management and getting your mobiles and chit-pockets ready. At last what we get is an added remark on our mark sheets which is of utmost importance.
So here are we the budding engineers having got innumerable nighmares but bothering none of them moved past of them as life goes on .............

A Relief after 3rd Year final Sem

Just wondered how it got finished starting from the first day of the university to the last exam or viva  of the third year. Time is very short and everything runs within few blinks of eye.Just few years back we were among the bunch of freshers getting the new generation air entering into this cool environment learning a lot of things and also to forget lots of things. Alas we are the Seniors of the university.
The last sem was really ridiculous consisting of almost a ton of marks, including the rituals similar to some entrance exam having 3 steps of utmost struggle; viz. the exams, project submission and the viva voce, taking three nights without sleep, giving you enough harassment to have a sigh of relif after all gets over.
So I am now in a relief though the Vocational Training ahead are to bother a little........

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Clips from edge 2k11...........The Tech fest of techno India

We -Tuhin, Atanu, Anant, Pranamesh and myself participated in Edge , the annual tech fest of Techn India...
I participated in 2 main events: Mechanics and Nfs. The event Mechanics was quite interesting; they gave a junk - specially some bamboo sticks, threads, gum, ply tubes, etc and we had to design a bow, an arrow as well as the target which considerd of a circular plane object made to rotate with the help of a pulley..
it considered of apreliminary round in which some questions regarding Physics and mechanics were given. We cleared the prelims as the 2nd highest scorer. In the second round we performed our physical task.

We did it efficiently and won the Second prize. we were more exiting as we have defeated the ones by whom we were being defeated in Jadavpur , last month in same event.

Yes........... we won

The Robotics Event

Chetan Bhagat Gave a brilliant Speech
I even qualified for the final round among outside candidates of Nfs but was unlucky rather due to their home advantage that i couldnt made it to the top.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011